Moosehead Lake Yacht Club
In 1970 MLYC moved its base to the Katahdin (above right), where the MLYC burgee flies from her bow. In addition, MLYC office space is now located at Moosehead Aero Marine on Lower Lincoln St. in Greenville.
Membership is now at the full complement of 175. It is composed of local residents and seasonal members, who continue to enjoy the four main events (Commodore’s Reception, Kineo Cup Competition, Pig Roast and Annual Meeting & Dinner) as well as many other outdoor pursuits both on and off the water.
Over the years, our home base has shifted from Mt. Kineo to Greenville. Our membership has grown in size significantly. In spite of these changes, we remain true to our original purpose. Let the fun continue!
Moosehead Lake Yacht Club
From its inception in 1908 to today, much has changed in the Moosehead Lake Yacht Club and the Moosehead Region as well. The days of tourists arriving by trains, steam boats carrying passengers to Mt. Kineo, and large-scale regattas have long passed. Although MLYC is now based at the Katahdin cruiseboat in East Cove and is much larger in size, the purpose remains as originally stated: “To support the variety of summer boating and outdoor activities afforded by the Moosehead Lake region, and to host boating and social events conducive to such activities.”
In August, 1907, a group of 11 elite yachtsmen “from away” met at the Mount Kineo House to arrange a motorboat race for a handsome silver “Kineo Cup” offered by Walton Ferguson of Stamford, CT. A temporary organization was formed and a successful regatta, the first ever held on Moosehead Lake, occurred on August 31, 1907. In September of that same year, a meeting of the temporary organization was held to formalize plans to make the organization permanent. Subsequent meetings during the winter of 1908 resulted in steps taken to incorporate the club, develop building plans and raise funds to erect a Club House. On August 24, 1908, the final steps were taken for incorporation and the Certificate of Organization of a Corporation was issued by the State of Maine.
The Kineo Company owned the land on which the Club desired to build. The Company not only granted permission to build a Club House, but completed the site preparation and agreed to underwrite $5000. By the summer of 1909, the funds had been raised and the handsome clubhouse (below on left) was ready for occupancy.
MLYC operated continuously from their home base on Mt. Kineo until 1934 when the Kineo Hotel closed and the club went into hibernation. In 1950, the Hilton family renovated the Annex Building on Mt. Kineo. MLYC was rejuvenated by Louis Hilton and once again became an active social organization. Lou Hilton served as the first Commodore of the club after World War II. MLYC remained based on Mt. Kineo until the hotel closed again in 1969.